Friday, January 21, 2011


Remember how mad I was yesterday when I was looking out my window to the needle like snow that was coming down last night....because I knew...once again...I wouldn't be able to ride outside? Because it would have freezed instantly and caused a layer of ice...
I. Was. WRONG!!!!
I woke up to a winter wonderland of about 6cms of fluffly, white powdery snow. It was bright and sunny and COLD! FREEZING!! But - there was no wind! Needless to say, this is what I did for an hour today:

Our Apple Orchard in January....

.....Looks a LOT different then in does in August!

Cool eh?! I always find it amazing that I live in a country where there is so much variance in our weather. Like the pictures above display. It is a weird feeling swimming in the lake at the cottage...and then skating on it 6 months later. It was awesome!!! It was FREEZING - but there was absolutely NO wind. Chester, LOVED it!! He was snorting to himself the entire time,snuffing the ground and half-rearing when I wanted to stop and take a picture as if to say "Hurry UP Mom...why are we STOPPED?!" He absolutely loved it!!! It's supposed to be -30C+ with the wind tomorrow and Sunday - so there might not be much riding, aside from me walking him for 25 minutes so he gets some movement in.

So glad to have gotten our hack in today. It was great and much needed on both our parts.

Stay Warm!!

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