Friday, April 9, 2010

Flattering Britches...? Fat Chance...

The least I can do for my Partner in Crime is to stay healthy, fit and try to maintain as low a weight as possible...considering he is going to truck my ass around an xc course at 450m/minute, the least I can do is try to he light enough so he doesn't feel like he is towing around a sack of bricks.
Enter - my new goal of dropping 15 pounds by our first FULL event on May 29...I am already 2 pounds, don't get me wrong, I am by no means BIG, but I have gotten a little bit squishy over the past couple of years, IF you know what I'm sayin'. I am just shy of 5'9 and weigh in at about 165 pounds...2 years ago, I was 150...and I looked pretty good if I do say so myself.
Now, Aaron - whom I love dearly - is the person I blame this on completely...he LOVES food and in all honesty, I consider myself to be extremely lucky when it comes to eating, because not only does Aaron like to eat, you will not find a better amateur cook A-NY-WHERE, and I always, always ALWAYS come home to some sort of amazing dinner which he has made....The problem is, he doesn't necessarily pay a lot of attention to what he is putting INTO what he makes....867% full cream...wicked, add 'er get my point. I have a feeling I am going to be a little grumpy for the next 6 weeks while I try to make my britches look flattering...which I have determined that unless you are a size 4 or ain't gonna happen. I should take a picture of my from the waist down in my oh-so-flattering britches now...and then again in 6 weeks...huh, now, if that isn't motivation, I don't know what is...
Lesson tonight with the boss - update tomorrow...

OMG - Wait a second...our first event is in SIX WEEKS...I have clearly been worrying about the wrong thing.

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