There is a blizzard going on outside my window. Wicked. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE winter, but when it is the middle of March, the last thing I want to be thinking about is how long it is going to take to shovel the driveway. Because it is so dang windy, the snow feels like little needles hitting your face. Needless to say, the ponies were none too impressed. Their butts all turned into the wind and snow-missiles. When they saw me coming around the side of the barn this afternoon, they all went 'pick me pick meeee...!!!'
Chester, was less then amused.
In his stall, he sat staring out the window - almost like he was enthralled with the blizzard that was going on outside. While waiting for Dr. Cove to arrive, I caught myself looking at the calendar on the wall. You know the one that lays out 4 months at a time and is filled in using an erasable marker...then I saw May 21, 2011 with 'Grandview' written across it. Grandview. Our first event of the season. Two and a half months, 73 days away. I glanced outside and thought - ha yea right. I almost laughed out loud when I realized that we have about 30 days until our first xc school of the year. Then I had a mild panic attack. O.M.F.G - we have 73 days to get back into start start at a new jump a full set of fully decorated scary horse eating stadium make sure I don't look like a total jackass and get dumped into the water...Geeze - LESS then that even considering I haven't ridden in 6 weeks and have yet to ride him.
Enter Dr. Cove - thank god because I was psyching myself out. I stick Chester in the crossties and let Dr. Cove do his thing. Chester, of course enters immediately into his state of 'relaxation'. He is so embarrassing. 10 minutes later Dr. Cove tells me: He's all clear.
Pardon?! I think I started at him with my jaw on my knees.
Dr. Cove: He is all clear, all the adjustments have held, he is reacting as he should and his muscle mass is considerably, noticeable better. Those electrolytes are doing their thing!
I have never done a back flip before in my life and if someone would have asked me to do one right then and there, I would have done it. His tendons, ligaments, joints are all fine... the biggest thing now is to keep him moving!! He has - since going outside, made leaps and bounds forward. Dr. Cove said there is no reason why I cant ride him on Saturday after his shoes get put back on. Yessssssssssssssss!!!
His feed will start to be increased again so he has the energy needed to burn off. Him being turned out, the electrolytes, MSM and Hemp Oil have made a considerable difference in just a week...not my words, but Dr. Cove's. It is incredible. I would say he is at about 80-85% right now. The other 15% will come as his shoes get put on, he continues to move and starts to be ridden. That 15% - a lot of it is up to make him do it and work a little harder. As with human athletes, there is a risk to plateauing - and it is up to me to make sure I push him that one step further. That said, it is just as important for me to understand when I can push and ask for that one extra step. I have been there before. My horse is tough, he can handle it. I can make him do it. I have too.
I have 73 days to remain cautiously optimistic about getting Chester (and ME!!) back into shape and get him going like he was in December. Knowing what we went through a year ago, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be done. And that we CAN and WILL do it.
Watch out Ontario...Chester, is making his (2nd) come back...
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