Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Off To Bromont...

...and it is completely bittersweet.  Why?  Well, Chester and I were supposed be competing, Training level.  Sigh.  When I look back at the first post I wrote on this blog about a year and a half ago - that was our short term goal...my, how things can change.  We will be lucky if we even get there in 2013... 

There isn't much more I can tell you about Chester for the moment.  Some days, I feel like he is making significant improvement, others, it looks as though we have taken huge steps backwards.  He is happy enough I guess, but I know he is bored out of his mind.  I can't hand walk him enough.  We usually spend an hour or 90 minutes out walking around or in the shade.  It is looking more and more like he is just going to have to sit in a field for a year and then hopefully he will be sound enough to start to bring back slowly and perhaps make someone a really nice flat horse...I don't even want to think about that. 

There also isn't anything I can tell you about on the job front...other then I got a big 'NO' yesterday from a Non-Profit I interviewed with back on May 17 or 18...that was the last interview I went on.  There isn't a lot going on right now, which is very troubling to me.  Nothing I can do about it, but keep trying.  However, you start to lose your motivation when you try with all your heart and get nothing back in return...

I found this yesterday...maybe now our luck will change...
Because the horse community is amazing, I have some people on the look out for me for horses...which are free lease options.  I will hopefully be seeing one tonight who is about 10 minutes away from my house, which is also key.  He is apparently tall, dark and handsome. Seven, with basic education...as much as I would love to find that horse who has been there done that so I can go training in a month, I don' think that is going to happen.  So, we will see if I end up going to see this guy tonight or not.

I'm headed to Bromont bright and early tomorrow morning. Horse Junkies United is going to have a team on the ground there and it is going to be fun fun fun.  BUT: I. Hate. Mornings. People who know me will agree with me 100%.  Can't wait for my alarm to go off at some ungodly hour tomorrow morning...somewhere around 4:00 a.m.  I have a headache just thinking about it.

Okay Bing Maps, don’t fail me now!! See you in Bromont…in 508 kms, after 5 hours and 54 minutes. And make sure you check out www.horsejunkiesunited.com from Thursday - Sunday for awesome coverage... and well, okay, Eventing Nation too...

A bientot mes amis!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to send you a supportive hug -- I know how crappy lucky feels! If it makes you feel any better, you could have spent $300 to fix a damn beat up stray cat today and then limp home on a busted leg that won't let you ride anything properly. We can start a moping club!
